I've been tattooing for 10 years now. I grew up in Michigan witch is where I started apprenticing around the age of 20 under Todd McInerney.
I moved to Cleveland in 2001 and started tattooing shortly after. And I got a change to work with some amazing tattoo artists, such as, Chad Koeplinger, Matt Simmons, Cole Crawford, Tony DeRigo ect.
I enjoy doing custom tattoos, but i still love walk-ins, that shit keeps you on your toes. I worked at American Graffiti in Sacramento for about a year but other then that Cleveland has been my home.
I started building tattoo machines a couple years ago. I've skateboarded since I was twelve and started making machine out of skateboard parts.
I started building machines because i figured i needed to know how to make the tools of my trade, and I love every minute of it.
I really enjoy traditional american and traditional japanese.