Eight Arms of Inspiration: The Octopus Art Project

Eight Arms of Inspiration: The Octopus Art Project



Eight Arms of Inspiration: The Octopus Art Project    

Eight Arms of Inspiration, the latest release from memento Publishing, features an extensive collection of octopus-related artwork from around the world. With a diverse array of mediums included, the octopus is interpreted in nearly 1,000 different ways by over 440 artists of many genres and disciplines.

Featured in this extensive collection are: paintings, drawings, tattoos, sculptures, sketches, photographs, graffiti art, digital art, jewelry, poetry, glasswork, cloth art, pottery, bronze work, cake art, and so much more – all centered on the octopus as the inspirational and creative focus.

This collective project brings together a creative and colorful ensemble to celebrate and honor the eight-armed cephalopod with three hearts, no bones, and blue blood known as the octopus.