December 13, 2016

Books opening!

My books open 1/1/17 for the later half of 2017. I'll be looking to schedule singular content tattoos (1-2 main ideas, check out the tattoos I've attached). It's your life stories that inspires me to create.

I'll also be posting my travel dates soon! Still ironing out some dates but looks like I'll be traveling a lot more then I thought. Possibly even to Europe!

February 12, 2016

New website, lots going on...

Hey everyone!

So I am adding my first post to my new website created by  I LOVE it and hope you do too.  Please email me if you find any issues.  We have looked through it all with a fine tooth comb but you never know.  It's so nice to have a personable website that allows me the ability to connect with all of you as well as update as often as needed.

So this year I am making some big changes in myself.  I'm looking forward to continuing to push myself artistically as well as branding my image.  I have been humbled by the mass amount of clients looking for custom work from me as well as other artists reaching out and asking me to join them either at conventions or guest spots.  I truly feel amazing with the growth and direction this has all taken me.  

I just got back from Golden State Tattoo Expo in Pasadena and what a great trip.  Had some eye opening things happen as well as remind me that I need to push myself and let no one hold me back.  So, I am working on new business cards, convention posters as well as T-shirts, a new up coming store with all my art, merchandise, etc.  Working on a book with my work and personal thoughts all to share with you.  So stay tuned for all of that!

In the meantime, I am looking to add several up coming conventions this year and as soon as I finalize them, I will open them up for consult request.  Thank you everyone for taking the time to check out my website and keep pushing me!  Much love!



December 10, 2015

New website coming soon!

Stay tuned for Justin Nordine's new personal website in development by TattooNOW.