Hell City Tattoo Festival, Phoenix, Arizona 2014
Our artists Evan Olin and Shane Baker will be attending the Phoenix Hell City Tattoo Festival held August 15th, 16th and 17th at the Arizona Biltmore Resort & Spa, Phoenix, AZ.
Shane still has some availability left! Call or email the shop directly for more information.
For more information on the Hell City Tattoo Festival, visit: http://www.hellcity.com/
Boston Tattoo Convention 2014
Our artists Evan Olin, Jay Blackburn, Mike Ledoux, Shane Baker and Mike Boissoneault will all be attending the Boston Tattoo Convention held August 29th, 30th and 31st at the Back Bay Sheraton Hotel, Boston, MA.
For more information on the Boston tattoo Convetion, visit: http://bostontattooconvention.com/
Due to conventions, our shop will be CLOSED for the following dates in August:
Saturday August 9th.
Saturday August 16th.
Friday-Sunday, August 29th- 31st.