PowerLine Tattoo
708 Reservoir Avenue, Cranston Rhode Island, 02910


Thursday August 04, 2011

Hey everyone! PowerLine Tattoo just wanted to let you all know that we are NOT ignoring your emails..we've learned that there's some kind of glitch in the website that isn't allowing us to receive emails through the email form on the website.  It may take a few days to fix, but hopefully we will be able to recover all of the lost emails!  We apologize for this inconvenience!! If you have sent one of our artists an email and haven't heard back from them, please feel free to call the shop (401-369-7771) or email them directly -- Evanolin@gmail.com (Evan), blackburntattoo@yahoo.com (Jay), miketattoo@cox.net (Mike) !  You can also email the shop-- Powerlinetattoo@gmail.com !  We will be sure to get back to you ASAP!  We will post a news article when the email form is fixed!  Thanks!