Sunday October 02, 2011
THIS IS FOR A GREAT CAUSE!! SAVE THE DATE!! SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29 !! POWERLINE TATTOO'S FIRST ANNUAL SPOOKTACULAR TATTOO-A-THON! Tis the season of giving, so we thought what better way to give back to our own community than with what we do best-- tattoos?! Our artists are coming up with original Halloween and Fall inspired tattoo designs for you to choose from-- $60 each, or $50 with 2+ canned goods--and EVERY PENNY (tips and all) is going straight to the Rhode Island Community Food
Bank! The event will begin at 11am and will end whenever people stop coming! There will be free cider and candy and Halloween movies playing all day&night! COSTUMES ARE ENCOURAGED (just make sure our artists can still access whatever body part you want to get tattooed) ! Tell your friends&family because it's going to be awesome-- help those in need and have a great time doing it! This is your chance to get an awesome piece for super cheap and all the proceeds go to a great can you pass that up? All tattoos will be done on a walk-in basis-->first come, first serve! Stay tuned for more info and the tattoo designs we'll be offering! SPREAD THE WORD! LET'S MAKE THIS EPIC!