PowerLine Tattoo
708 Reservoir Avenue, Cranston Rhode Island, 02910


Thursday March 29, 2012

Just a reminder that the Massachusetts Tattoo&Art Festival is going down this weekend in Sturbridge, MA!  Evan and Shane will be working it, and they may still have some availability, so get at em!  The shop will still be open, so feel free to stop by or call to set something up!

We'll finally be finding out if we've been voted the Providence Phoenix's BEST TATTOO PARLOR 2012 in a couple of weeks, so keep your fingers crossed!  Thanks to everyone who voted- we appreciate your support!!  Make sure to check back soon to see the results!

Also, if you haven't heard, we recently got a new artist! Jessica Brennan has been with us for a few weeks now, so make sure to check her stuff out!! Be patient- she'll be up on the website  in the near future, so for now you can see her work on our facebook page!--> facebook.com/powerlinetattoo (she has her own album), or stop in to chat with her and look through her portfolio!