PowerLine Tattoo
708 Reservoir Avenue, Cranston Rhode Island, 02910


Thursday April 05, 2012

Hey everyone!  Just a quick recap of the Massachusetts Tattoo&Art Festival-->  Evan and Shane both got to do some really fun pieces in Sturbridge while they were there, and left with a trophy!  Evan completed an "Evil Dead" zombie piece and a realistic snail, and Shane completed another one of his custom gremlin-like creatures!  Pictures will be posted!  One of Evan's many loyal clients, Steve, showed up to show off his horror leg sleeve that Evan has been working on for the last few years.  He entered his foot, which bares an awesome original Fright Night vampire portrait that Evan did at the Boston Tattoo Convention last fall (and won Tattoo of the Day for) in the Best Small Color contest, and took home First Place!  Another trophy shelf will have to be hung in the very near future ;)