PowerLine Tattoo
708 Reservoir Avenue, Cranston Rhode Island, 02910

RITE Recap

Saturday May 18, 2013

So we all had a blast at the Rhode Island Tattoo Expo this last weekend!  It was an overall success and good time.  We got to both catch up with and meet several of our industry peers.. it's always cool to see what all the local artists are doing these days, and represent Lil Rhody!  It was definitely a good turn out, and we greatly appreciate all of our clients that made it out to support and enter contests!  Thanks to you, we came home with several new trophies --  Evan took home First Place Female Backpiece, First Place Male Arm Sleeve, First Place Male Leg Sleeve, First Place Female Small Black and Gray, First Place Male Small Color, First Place Female Small Color, Tattoo of the Day Female on Friday, Tattoo of the Day Male on Saturday, and  Jay took home 2nd Place Male Small Color and 2nd Place Female Small Color!  Thanks to our rad clients for coming to us wtth awesome ideas and letting us run with them.. we're glad you helped us showcase them in our own hometown!  We appreciate all the clients that got tattooed at the expo- it's certainly an experience, and not everyone can handle it.. you all sat like champs and let us show off the type of work that what we love to do!  Pictures will be posted soon!  The backpiece shown here won First Place Female Backpiece!