PowerLine Tattoo
708 Reservoir Avenue, Cranston Rhode Island, 02910

Boston recap and an important date for your calendar!

Wednesday September 11, 2013

Thanks to everyone that made it out to the Boston Tattoo Convention last weekend!  We had a blast working it as always!  We all got to do some fun pieces and connect with other people in the industry which is always awesome.. Conventions are always a great learning experience, and we appreciate having such awesome clients that are willing to come out and let us do our thing so we can keep getting out there for them.  Evan walked away with Best Medium Color and  a runner up Tattoo of the Day award- thanks again to the clients wearing those pieces!  Make sure to check back in or contact the shop to learn our upcoming conventions plans.  

PUT SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26TH, IN YOUR CALENDAR NOW.  BE HERE OR BE SQUARE.  It may or may not be the Spooktacular Tattoo-A-Thon date...