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Tattoos > Tom Strom > Page 2 > venus flytrap tattoo
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< previous | next > Looking for unique Tom Strom Tattoos?  venus flytrap tattoo

Artist: Tom Strom (email)
Studio: Uptown Tattoo
Minneapolis, MN
(612) 874-6400

Travel Dates:
Tom Strom @ Off the Map Tattoo
04/23/08 - 04/25/08
Off the Map Tattoo
Easthampton, Ma
Paradise Tattoo Gathering
10/23/08 - 10/26/08
Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort
Hancock, MA

Image name: venus flytrap tattoo
Placement: Leg
Comments: This tattoo was one of the only two tattoos that I did at the Montreal convention a few years back. The guy who got it didn't barely speak any english.....hope this is what he wanted. Super fun though.

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All Images © 2008 Tom Strom or Jackee Strom where appropriate
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