Max Rothert @ Off the Map Tattoo
08/17/13 - 08/21/13
Off the Map Tattoo Grants Pass
Grants Pass, OR
Hell City Tattoo Fest
08/23/13 - 08/25/13
Biltmore Resort and Spa
Pheonix, AZ
Paradise Tattoo Gathering
09/12/13 - 09/15/13
Keystone Resort
Keystone, CO
this is the start of a massive project on matt the intern. this tattoo of a woman's face breaking away to reveal a rose was a huge breakthrough for me! it came from one of my sketch-a-day where i was drawing to understand sculptures and creating a sculpted effect in tattooing and drawing, versus just rendering the subject matter. in spirit i had sensai looking over my shoulder.
more to come!!!